2025 2nd International Conference on Environmental Protection and Pollution Control (EPPC 2025)
Conference Review
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Conference Review

2024年环境保护与污染控制国际学术会议(EPPC 2024)圆满落幕

2024 International Conference on Environmental Protection and Pollution Control (EPPC 2024) came to a successful end.


2024年11月22日,由AEIC学术交流中心主办的2024年环境保护与污染控制国际学术会议(EPPC 2024)在线上成功举办。本次会议汇聚了来自国内外的环境科学专家、研究人员和学者,旨在探讨当前环境保护与污染控制领域的最新研究成果和实践经验。

Hosted by AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center, 2024 International Conference on Environmental Protection and Pollution Control (EPPC2024) was successfully held online on November 22 2024. The conference brought together environmental science experts, researchers andscholars from home and abroad, aiming to discuss the latest research results and practical experiences in the current field of environmental protection and pollution control.


会议的主讲报告环节精彩纷呈。首先是来自马来西亚敦胡先翁大学,Zawawi Bin Daud副教授带来了题为“Towards Sustainable Waste Management in Malaysia”的报告,探讨了马来西亚在废物管理方面面临的挑战及应对策略,强调了可持续性的重要性。

The conference has invited renowned experts and scholars from home and abroad to deliver excellent keynote speeches. First and foremost, Assoc. Prof. Zawawi Bin Daud from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia made a presentation entitled“Towards Sustainable Waste Management in Malaysia”, which discussed the challenges and strategies to address the challenges of waste management in Malaysia and highlighted the importance of sustainability. 


Assoc. Prof. Zawawi Bin Daud, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia

Speech Title: Towards Sustainable Waste Management in Malaysia

来自中南林业科技大学的苏荣葵副教授以“Ecological Restoration Technology of Nonferrous Metal Tailings Contaminated Soil in Central South China”为题,介绍了中南地区有色金属尾矿污染土壤生态修复技术。

Assoc. Prof. Rongkui Su from Central South University of Forestry and Technology introduced the topic“Ecological Restoration Technology of Nonferrous Metal Tailings Contaminated Soil in Central South China”and mentioned the advanced technology for soil remediation in specific areas.


Assoc. Prof. Rongkui Su, Central South University of Forestry and Technology

Speech Title: Ecological Restoration Technology of Nonferrous Metal Tailings Contaminated Soil in Central South China

来自广东以色列理工学院的Achal(安澈)教授以“The Process of Bomineralization in Heavy Metals Immobilization from Electronic Waste”为题,分享了如何利用生物矿化技术高效处理电子废物中的重金属问题,展现了创新的环保解决方案。

Prof. Achal shared his insights on“The Process of Bomineralization in Heavy Metals Immobilization from Electronic Waste”, demonstrating innovative and environmentally friendly solutions to the problem of heavy metals in electronic waste using biomineralisation.


Prof. Varenyam Achal, Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Speech Title: The Process of Bomineralization in Heavy Metals Immobilization from Electronic Waste


In addition, the conference conducted an oral presentation session to showcase the research results of a new generation of scholars.


(1) Siru Liu, China University of Mining and Technology

Speech Title: Elemental Geochemistry and Enrichment Genesis of High Sodium Coal in the Eastern Junggar Coalfield

(2) Xinyi Xu,China University of Mining and Technology

Speech Title: Simulating the Meltwater Rate Response to Mineral Dust Particles Across Alpine Glaciers in Northwestern China


(3) Bofei Zhang, China University of Mining and Technology

Speech Title: Abundances, Modes of Occurrence and Environmental Impacts of Environmentally Sensitive Trace Elements in Thermally-Altered Coals by Igneous Intrusion in the Pansan Coal Mine

(4) Prof. Jianfang Wang, National University of Defense Technology

Speech Title: Electrochemical Biosensor Based on Metal Organic Framework (MOF) for Detecting Environmental Organic Phosphorus


This conference not only provided a broad platform for participants to exchange ideas and share innovations, but also promoted cooperation and wisdom collision across different disciplines. With the successful conclusion of this conference, participants are looking forward to future research and cooperation. We all believe that through scientific research and international cooperation, we can make more progress and achievements on the road of environmental protection and pollution control.